Tuesday, February 26, 2008

hey, wtf mom?!

K has a keen sense of what is right in his world and what is not.
should mommmy try to switch one of his blankets out so that it can be washed - well, there will be a chourus of "bank-et? bank-et? bank-et?"
followed by "bank-et!!! bank-et!!! bank-et!!! bank-et!!!" until the switch has been undone.

k will also
pick up fuzz and bring it over to me to put away
straighten and line up his cars/trains in perfect order
freak out if his tent "leg" doesn't lay flat
help me pick up his toys (after some prodding)

yes, i'm raising monk and there will be hell to pay if you mess up his world!


Christy said...

Too funny! Porgie is becoming a little weirdo too. She has a complete meltdown if one of her socks comes off or if her pant's leg gets rolled up.

DD said...

Adding to Christy's comment: just wait until this summer when all the sudden you are putting him in shorts and t-shirts for the first time. Make sure your video camera is ready.

He's sooooo normal.

Em said...

Sounds like William, at someones house the other day they had a cream rug and he kept picking the bits off it and brining them to me-v.embarassing!