Thursday, December 20, 2007


yes, I admit to being such regarding the switch to a different "place". sorry for that.

in part, the move is due to my foolishness. I had let a family member see a couple posts from the blog and I began to wonder if she wasn't looking at other things there and scoping it out on a regular basis.

the blog is where I go to vent, whether it's about job dung, traffic or (dare I admit it) family/extended family crap. it doesn't seem like I'm open to writing what I want and I end up censoring bits here and there until there's barely a post left to write.

it's fitting, though, to make this move because we're not really leaving cheerios around anymore. K has left babyhood in the dust and is his own little boy now. he's so curious, talkative (even though I've no idea what he's saying), and rambungious.

so, there it is. The final move will be January 1st. Figure first day of a new year, first day of the new blog.


Christy said...

My blog is my own private little space. I get pissed when my husband reads my blog, so I completely understand.