Tuesday, February 19, 2008

what part of

"here's my 2 week notice and i don't give a damn" are you not understanding?!

seriously, since killjoy/drama queen started blabbing to everyone under the sun about me leaving suddenly all these "projects" are being presented to me. Um people, here's a newsflash for you -


so stop bringing me this shit that you think i'm going to finish up before i leave because, unless i really like you (of which there are maybe 2 people), i'm not going to do it! what are you going to do? tell my boss on me? go ahead, i'll point you to where her office is and you can go cry your effing head off to her!

i'm being decent enough to work out my notice, but i'm not altruistic. i'm not doing anything more than i absolutely have to. so p*ss off!


Christy said...

Good for you! Don't take their shit!

Dooneybug said...

I don't blame you one bit. When I was quitting my last job so I could stay home with my son, I had a boss who wanted me to write out step-by-step EVERYTHING I do and how to do it so that my replacement would know how. I'm sorry, I DON'T THINK SO! She asked me to do this the last week I was there. That's what the office manager is for - training.

Rita said...

It's like they're trying to get the that drop of blood before you leave.