Wednesday, January 9, 2008

my toe's in the wading pool

i've sent out some resumes over the past week and had a phone interview today over lunch. i think it went ok. ok enough that i should get a call back for a face-to-face interview...well,hopefully.

it's quite nerve racking to go through this whole "new opportunity" process. i've gone through feeling hopeful, anxious, uncertain, and rejected with each resume I send out.

i'm preparing, though. writing down the common questions and what my answers will be. that is helping, a bit.

so anyway, that's where i'm at right now.


Dooneybug said...

I remember when I finally decided I needed to get out of a past job that was so terrible for me, I sent out about 50 resumes and got like 3 responses. It felt awful but you know what? One of those three actually ended up being one of the best jobs I ever had! Kudos to you for the good phone interview and getting out there looking for a better opportunity!

Lainey-Paney said...

good luck with all of it...I'm sure it's nerve-racking.

Did I spell that correctly?
I dunno...
whatever. you know what I mean.

S said...

Thanks. I am not so great at "selling myself" so interviewing is not fun. I keep telling myself to keep trying.

Christy said...

When I was trying to get a teaching job, I sent my resume to every school district in the area, but no one was calling me back. Finally, I started emailing my resume instead of mailing it. Suddenly I got tons of interviews, and eventually a job.

Good luck S!